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Ruth Blyther

First Name
Last Name
Private consultant, semi-retired
Which skills or areas of expertise are you willing to share?
Fisheries and Aquaculture
International Travel, Touring
Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage
Outdoors Experience
I am interested in working with schools in my area
What grade level would you or your organization work best with?
Any Grade Level
What kind of availability do you or your organization have to offer?
Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Document Review (business or research plans)
Briefly describe the program, volunteer work, or partnerships you or your organization may offer.
I am new to mentoring youth. I have mentored many college students, and employees throughout my career in natural resources management. I worked for The Nature Conservancy internationally for nine years and ran a non-profit environment organization in northern California working on watershed management and restoration. I am a consultant and specialize in grant writing and project management.
You have indicated an expertise in Fisheries and Aquaculture
I have extensive experience with establishing marine protected areas in the Caribbean, salmonid habitat restoration, and marine spatial planning. I recently worked as coordinator for the Global Shark and Ray Initiative.
You have indicated an expertise in International Travel, Touring
I have worked and lived in the Caribbean region from 2006-2016. I worked and did my Master's research in Botswana in southern Africa for three years. I have traveled extensively in southern Africa, Europe, and the Caribbean.
You have indicated an expertise in Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage
I have worked in natural resource management for over 40 years. My last full-time job was as the Director, Eastern Caribbean Program for The Nature Conservancy, which I left the end of 2015 to retire to Port Townsend. Currently I work closely with the Northwest Straits Foundation helping with development, and grant writing and management. My experience includes sustainable development, protected area planning and management, marine conservation and building community resilience in the face of climate change.
You have indicated an expertise in Outdoors Experience
I am an avid backpacker and open water diver.
New to Area